Installation ECO Zero in Canada
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On-farm hatching
On-farm hatching
Effective feeding of broilers
All egg packers
Automatic egg selection
Nest and aviary systems
Nest and aviary systems
Rearing systems
Various system enhancements
Solutions for manure handling
Simple, compact and flexible egg collection
Gentle egg handling and packing
Data driven egg collection
All minimum ventilation climate solutions
All maximum ventilation climate solutions
Total control over the entire egg flow
Accurate and reliable egg counting
Detecting leaking eggs
Automatic and objective egg sorting
On-farm hatching
On-farm hatching
Effective feeding of broilers
All egg packers
Automatic egg selection
Contactless sexing
Measure G-forces
Rearing layers
We are here for you
All our decisions and advice are based upon science. The researchers in our Nucleus ('core') team perform scientific and applied research and translate this to practical applications.
Our colleagues and interns write dozens of research papers each year.
By the lessons we learned in the field, Vencomatic Group developed guidelines for keeping birds in cage free housing. We call this bird management. With good housing systems and bird management techniques in Europe they are capable to house a large amount of cage free birds.
Think ahead with poultry people.
We develop animal friendly poultry systems while preserving the planet.
© Vencomatic Group