Privacy Statement

One of the core values at Vencomatic Group BV is respect for the individual. This is the basis on which you deal with us as a relation, customer, visitor of our websites, visitor of events organized by Vencomatic Group BV, visitor of our company premises, job applicant, or as a trusted business partner/supplier providing services to us to help us offer sustainable solutions.

We strive to treat and protect your personal data with the same respect and integrity as we would with our own data. Sometimes we use trusted business partners to help us deliver our products and services; in those cases, we share your data with these partners, but will ensure that they treat your data with the same respect and integrity.

With this privacy notice, we want to inform you what personal data we may process, why we do so, and how we ensure that your rights and your privacy are safeguarded. If you have any questions or concerns about this, you can always reach us by email at or you can contact your Vencomatic Group BV representative.

For the sake of completeness, in this statement Vencomatic Group BV means all group companies of the Vencomatic Group that are a participating interest of Van de Ven Beheer BV including but not limited to Vencomatic Group BV, Prinzen BV, Poultry Data Services BV, Venco Nederland BV, Rondeel BV, Vencomatic France SAS, Vencomatic Iberica SL, Vencomatic Poultry UK limtied,

For whom is this Privacy Statement intended?

This Privacy Statement applies to all relations and suppliers of Vencomatic Group BV and customers who purchase services and/or products from us, for example if you buy a Vencomatic Group BV product or use our apps. It is also intended for job applicants.

This Privacy Statement also applies to former relations, as long as we still have data from you.

Who is responsible for processing your data?

All divisions of Vencomatic Group BV process personal data. All companies belonging to this group have the same privacy policy. So you always know where you stand when one of the Vencomatic Group BV units processes personal data.
Where we refer to Vencomatic Group BV in this Privacy Statement, we mean the group companies that process personal data in accordance with this Privacy Statement. This is:

- Vencomatic Group BV

What bases do we use for processing?

In order to process personal data, we must be able to invoke one of the legal bases provided for this purpose by law. We invoke the following legal grounds:

- Necessary for execution of the agreement - such as, for example, for the delivery of products or whether or not to enter into or execute an (employment) agreement.

- Execution of a legal obligation - such as, for example, the sharing of data with the tax authorities.

- Legitimate interest - such as, for example.

o Sale and delivery of products and services of Vencomatic Group BV.

o Improving the quality of our products and services.

o Informing you about the use of our products and services.

o Preventing fraud.

o Marketing.

- Consent - such as for example:

o To be allowed to send you personalized offers based on the data that Vencomatic Group BV has from you.

o To be allowed to use location data for the purpose of our Gregg mobile app.

o Note: you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time.

What personal data do we process?

Account data

We have your contact details, information about services/products you ordered.

Financial Data.

We have contact data to charge you for products and/or services purchased or to make payments to you.

Usage data

If you use our (support) services, such as for example the Meggsius platform, this use creates data in our network such as location data, production data, etc.

Audiovisual data

When you visit our office locations or use our websites we in some cases store your (personal) data in audiovisual form, such as surveillance images or recordings of telephone conversations with our customer service and foreign service.

Special personal data

We do not record special personal data relating to your health, criminal matters, ethnicity, religious or political beliefs, except when absolutely necessary for legal obligations or criminal investigations.

Overview of main processing operations

Below you will find a general overview of the most important data processing by Vencomatic Group BV.

(a) To establish a relationship with you. If you are a customer or if you want to purchase a new product or a new service or you apply for a job with us, we need personal data.

  1. b) Sales and delivery of Vencomatic Group BV products and services.

When you purchase a Vencomatic Group BV product or service, we want to serve you well. We process personal data for this purpose. We use your data to conclude and implement agreements with you in this respect, and to provide the service you may expect from us.

(c) Invoicing. We use personal data to receive payment from you as a customer or to make payments to you as a supplier. If you are a customer of ours, we prepare invoices based on your data.

(d) Marketing. We use your data to communicate with you by email, SMS, post and telemarketing about our (new) products and services that you may be interested in.

  1. e) To comply with legal obligations. Based on certain (international) laws and regulations sometimes require us to disclose information about you to a government agency or to a regulator.
  1. f) Archival purposes. We may still retain the data for archival purposes. That is, they will only continue to be used in legal proceedings or for historical, statistical or scientific purposes.
  1. g) Website. We collect data (cookies) when you visit our website and use certain functions on it.
  2. h) Repair and Maintenance. We provide repair and maintenance of systems.
  3. i) Gregg app and Meggsius platform. Data collected may include GEO location data.

j) Training & Education. We provide training and education. We use your data to enter into and execute agreements with you in this regard. We also pass on your data and/or data of the person undergoing the training/education to certification and government agencies in certain cases.

Meggsius software system

Meggsius software products help chicken farmers and breeders manage and handle eggs and egg streams.

Some modules include:

Meggsius Connect: For digital dashboard of your Vencomatic products

- Meggsius Count & Control for counting eggs.

- Meggsius Detect for signaling leaking eggs.

- Meggsius Select for automatic egg inspection and grading.

Meggsius software modules can use GEO location data for better data analysis of measurements.
Gregg for measurements of egg impact on egg transport systems.
The Gregg app can use GEO location data for better data analysis of measurements.

Does Vencomatic Group BV share my data with third parties and why?

To provide the best products and services, we use our international organization and a worldwide network of trusted partners. Therefore, it happens that we store your data in whole or in part with (or share it with) Vencomatic Group BV units or with trusted business partners who assist us.

These include:

(a) Vencomatic Group BV units.

We exchange data within the Vencomatic Group BV units for reasons related to central management, laws and regulations or reporting and/or the sale of products and services for other Vencomatic Group BV units.

  1. b) Government agencies.

In order to comply with (local) laws and regulations, we may transfer data to the relevant authorities, for example to counter terrorism or prevent money laundering.

In certain cases, we are required by law to share your data with external parties, including:

- Government agencies, regulatory authorities and regulators, such as the tax authorities.

- Judicial authorities such as the police, prosecutors and courts.

- Lawyers, for example in case of bankruptcy or for the purpose of collecting our invoices and company auditors.

(c) Service providers working for Vencomatic Group BV.

Sometimes we engage other companies to help us provide our services. These companies sometimes need access to your data in order to perform the work on our behalf, but are not allowed to disclose this data or use it for other purposes.

(d) Marketing.

We work closely with Orbem GmbH. Orbem GmbH has products and services that are revolutionary in our market and we therefore provide your e-mail address to Orbem GmbH. So that you can stay informed about these developments.

Service providers support us in areas such as:

- Making and processing payments;

- Debt collection;

- ICT management and hosting of web environments;

-ICT security scan of mail addresses of business partners with whom we regularly do business. We do this for the sole purpose of detecting irregularities in mail traffic and thus preventing fraud.

- The design and maintenance of internet tools and web applications;

- Marketing activities, events or communication with relations;

- Preparation of reports and statistics;

- Placement of advertisements in apps, on websites and on social media;

- Delivery of products.

-installation of products you purchased from us.

-maintenance, warranty and updates of products you purchased from us.

In those cases, where we share your data within Vencomatic Group BV units or with our business partners, we ensure that they only have access to (personal) data necessary for their specific work and that they treat your data with the same respect and integrity as we do. We also conclude so-called processor agreements for this purpose, intended in particular to protect your interests.

When we share your personal data internally or with third parties in other countries, we always ensure appropriate safeguards to protect this data. We will never sell your data to third parties.

Where will my data be processed?

Vencomatic Group BV is an international company operating in several countries. In order to provide the best products and services, we use our international organization and a global network of trusted partners. Therefore, from time to time we may choose to process all or part of your data, both inside and outside the European Union. In doing so, we always comply with existing regulations and ensure that your data is handled in a secure manner. When your data is transferred outside the EU, this is done using appropriate security provisions and regulations.

How long will my data be kept?

We keep personal data for as long as it is necessary for the purpose for which we collected and for which they are processed. After that, they are in principle deleted as soon as possible, unless there is a legal obligation to keep certain data longer. For job applicants, we keep data for a maximum of four weeks after filling the relevant vacancy, unless the applicant gives us permission to keep his data in our portfolio for a maximum of 1 year, for the purpose of filling future or other vacancies after which the data will still be deleted after a year has elapsed.

How is my data protected?

We value the protection of your personal data and we will implement all appropriate technical and organizational security measures to adequately protect the personal data, which we process, from manipulation, loss, destruction or unauthorized access. Depending on the development of available security products and services, we continuously improve our security measures.

What are my rights?

Right of access

You can request a free extract showing which personal data we process in relation to you.

This extract will be sent to the address registered in our systems.

You can also choose to pick it up - after identification - at a Vencomatic Group BV branch.

Right of rectification

You have the right to update (or have updated) your data.

Right of deletion

In the following cases you can have your personal data deleted immediately:

- When the data are no longer needed for the purpose for which they were


- when the processing is based solely on your consent and you withdraw your consent is withdrawn;

- when you withdraw your application, for example;

- when it is required by law to delete the data;

- If there has been unlawful processing;

- if you have legitimately objected to the processing of your data.

Right of objection

You have the right to object at any time to the processing of your personal data for direct marketing. This is an absolute right, so once you object, we will stop further use of your data for direct marketing.

You also have the right to object to the processing of your data for a legitimate interest. If you object, you must specify in detail what you are objecting to and why.

We must then demonstrate convincing legitimate reasons for processing that override the interests, rights and freedoms of you, or show that we are processing the data for establishing, asserting or refuting legal claims.

Right to restriction of processing

You have the right to request a temporary restriction on the processing of your data. This can be done in the following cases:

- if you believe that your data is incorrect and you have therefore requested us to correct these data. While we are validating your data, you can ask us to restrict the processing of your data;

- when the data is processed unlawfully and you do not want your data to be deleted, but instead you request whether the use of your data can be restricted;

- when you need your data to establish, assert or refute legal claims, even if we no longer need to process your data;

- when you have objected to the processing.

Right of data portability

You have the right to request data, which you have provided to us yourself or which we have obtained from you automatically (e.g. location data), to be used elsewhere. This right only applies if our processing of your data is based on the legal ground that you have given us permission to process it or if you have entered into a contract with us.

We will comply with the above requests unless we have a compelling legitimate interest in not deleting the data that outweighs your privacy interest. Once we have deleted the data, for technical reasons we may not be able to delete all copies of the data immediately from our systems and backup systems. We may refuse to comply with the foregoing requests if they are unreasonably frequent, require unreasonable technical effort, or have unreasonable technical impact on our systems or compromise the privacy of others.

You may make the aforementioned requests or raise the aforementioned objection by sending a letter accompanied by your name, address, telephone number and a copy of a valid identification document to our mailing address:

Remember to make your identification number illegible and cover the passport photo on your copy of the identification document before sending it. You will receive a reply within 4 weeks.

Are there consequences if I do not provide my personal data?

Failure to provide the personal data, which we process on the basis of a contractual and/or legal obligation, may result in us not being able to provide our services and products, or not providing them in full.

How do I contact Vencomatic Group BV?

If you think that your data are being processed in violation of current regulations, please report this as soon as possible. You can always contact our Compliance department or make an appointment with your Vencomatic Group BV representative.

The Compliance Department can be reached as follows:

Phone: +31 497 517 380
Postal address:
Venco Campus
Meerheide 200
5521 DW Eersel


Of course we are happy to help you if you have complaints about the processing of your data. If you suspect that Vencomatic Group BV does not comply with the legislation, please inform us by return. Should you nevertheless have a complaint about our use of your data, you also have the right, under privacy legislation, to file a complaint with the data protection authority in your country.


This Privacy Statement may be amended to reflect changed laws and regulations and/or the way we process personal data. The most recent version can be found on our website.