Customer Story

ECO Unit Heat exchange: egg production is better and more profitable

2 min read published on 1 March 2023

Whereas traditionally heat exchangers were used on broiler houses to save energy, for growing animals where a lot of heat needs to be added in the sheds, now a day it has become more common to use heat exchangers on egg production houses as well. It makes a lot of sense to reuse to energy which is present in the shed, to heat up the incoming fresh air for ventilation of the laying hens. For that reason, I would like to share this video of this young Norwegian farmer explaining why he invested in Agro Supply and what it is bringing him. The barn where the heat exchanger is installed has a 2007 Bolegg Terrace Sidebeltnest two rows, where in 2013 a 3rd row of BT Centerbeltnest was added. The installation is done by our dealer Taramatic, Mr. Einar Røyneberg.

Hans Wilhelm Wedel-Jarlsberg saves large amounts of money on heating the hen house, after he invested in a heat exchanger. - Beneficial both for the animals, the farmer, the environment and the wallet, he concludes. Hans Wilhelm Wedel-Jarlsberg runs the farm Nordre Heian in Ramnes in Vestfold, together with his wife Mari. Both are full-time farmers on the farm, which they took over already as 23-year-olds. The operation today is grain and organic egg production. The henhouse was set up in 2007 and accommodates 7,500 hens that have the opportunity to be both inside and outside.

With a heat exchanger, the heat in the air leaving the henhouse is transferred to the air entering the henhouse. In this way, 80 percent of the heat in the hen house can be returned. The indoor climate for the hens will be better, which is good for animal welfare and increases production. It will also be a better working environment for me, and the heat exchanger can be left on all the time without it costing anything, says Hans Wilhelm.

In egg production, it is common to reduce the temperature during the winter months to improve air quality. Poorer air quality reduces the percentage of water and a lower temperature makes them want to eat a little more. Now I can keep the temperature constant throughout the year, and just on increased production and lower feed costs, I will save the entire investment of 6.5 years. In addition, everything I save comes in reduced electricity and diesel consumption, explains Hans Wilhelm.


Picture of Vencomatic Group

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Vencomatic Group