
"We are very excited about our new palletiser”

2 min read published on 8 June 2021
Jens Peter Rauff Hansen

“We bought two palletisers for our egg handling, they were installed a few weeks ago. They were part of a packing line, including a Speedpack Meggsius Select. We are very happy with it.” 

Jens Peter Rauff Hansen is a poultry farmer, together with his father and brother he owns a farm in Denmark. They are happy with the new packing line, which includes the palletisers: “We now need fewer staff for egg handling. And they like their work more, it is less demanding.".”Do you want us to contact you about this subject?

“My father Hans started our chicken farm in 1980, my brother and I joined him later. We now have three laying hen farms plus a rearing farm, and 10 employees. My mother also works in the company at the egg packer, and she makes sure everyone has enough to eat and drink. 

“My father is still the ‘boss’, my focus is on the chickens and the layer houses, and my brother focuses on the machinery and land. On our rearing farm we have a capacity of 120.000 pullets. We grow them in our rearing houses for 16 weeks and then transfer them to our layer houses. We have eight layer houses spread over three different locations, so there are three locations where we pack eggs. All with Prinzen packers of course.”  

The layer farms are equipped with the Bolegg Terrace aviary system and in the rearing house, the Jump Start. The aviary housing systems work very well, our first house is 11 years old now and can easily run 10 years longer. In 2018 we built the last two houses. We never had any big problems, and small problems are quickly solved.”  


"We work with the Smartpack since 2018, it works very well. A few weeks ago we installed a new egg handling system with a Speedpack and Meggsius Select. And also the two new palletisers. We are very excited about them, the system helps us a lot. In the past we needed three employees for the egg packing, now only one. It is also less heavy for them, now the palletiser does the heavy work.” 

“The Meggsius Select works very well, we can now manage everything more easy and don’t have to stay in the same place for five hours for inspecting the eggs ourself anymore. We can see everything on the display of the Meggsius and on the egg packer. We have much better information, we can see how many eggs we packed, how many were dirty, the size, etc. It’s really a big upgrade.  

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Vencomatic Group